The good part about making an alternate editorsaves file as your main one temporarily to create limbs, is that then when you swap the 2 editorsaves files out, you can easily switch between limb creation sporepedia and regular sporepedia, as well as sharing it with other players. What is easier though, is to just give people your newly generated editorsaves file and have them install it as a mod, along with your palette page item file and creature part definition file. It may or may not change the hash name for each person, but if that is constant, that would probably work. Copy over an existing limb_assembly_x creature file, and for the assembly CRT file, make it be the hash name of your creation found in the existing folder. Create a new folder for creature parts, and one for an items palette, etc.Ħ. Close spore, open sporemaster, and unpack your newly generated editorsaves.package. New sections from core spore, DI, CB Custom Parts, or DG can be added, as well as hands, feet, and other creature parts. (submitted by rob55rod) Edit only the "elbow" ball joint and onwards. To scale limbs, add a hand to the and and scale that up instead. Do not try to scale the limb segments, or change the base of the limb. The states are: limbeditor, exolimbeditor, and robolimbeditor.Ĥ. Open the limb editor using the same method as any other editor. This will make your experience much easier.ģ. Locate your "Editorsaves.package" file and rename it to "Editorsaves_orig.package". No extra files other than CB_Dark_Genetics are needed, except knowledge of sporemaster.Ģ. HOW TO INSTALL (VERY IMPORTANT PLEASE READ): Spoilerġ.

Flare Launch: Launches a flare capable of igniting the enemy. Infernal Orb: Shoot a glowing orb at the enemy rapidly, causing minor damage. Zombie Charge: Charges forwards, turning nearby creatures into zombies with creepy music playing periodically. Toxic Flower Charge: Throw toxic flowers as you run by. Autowalker: Directs your creature towards the fastest route to the targeted object, and will walk your creature towards the target, ignoring most if not all terrain routing issues. Modified vertebrae, can now have hands and feet attached to them.Static versions of every core Spore mouth and wing Aquatic Parts (Unreleased, once part of my aquatic stage mod) Recolors of every core Spore part to match the Darkspore parts (not including mouths) More parts than the original Spore Creature Creator, such as:.